In cases of accidents with ensuing damage, SCHMITZ KNOTH represents clients in recovering damages or defending against unsubstantiated claims.
Our practice accompanies you through the process of recovering/denying claims in case of traffic accidents. The firm has special expertise in claims for damages for pain and suffering in cases of severe personal injury. Naturally, we also offer representation in relation to taking or defending against recourse by insurers or third parties.
We are your experts for traffic civil law, especially traffic liability law, traffic contract law, insurance law (including vehicle insurance), collision damage insurance, insurance of the person, as well as traffic criminal law, misdemeanours, and the law governing driving licences.
Genscherallee 12
D-53113 Bonn
Telefon: 02 28 / 9 85 09 – 0
Telefax: 02 28 / 9 85 09 – 33
Zimmerstraße 79-80
D-10117 Berlin
Telefon: 030 / 20 64 68 – 0
Telefax: 030 / 20 64 68 – 68