Corporations take risks in the interests of their shareholders; but they may require legal support when complications arise, and to prevent those complications in the first place. SCHMITZ KNOTH advises and educates corporations and management personnel in keeping true to compliance rulesets.
At least since the Federal Supreme Court’s judgment in Mannesmann, economic actors, whether corporations or individuals, must have understood that the economy is not a vacuum shielded from the ambit of the criminal law. Corporate wrongdoing runs the risk of criminal prosecution. Controlling and minimising this risk requires corporations to organise themselves under the now prevalent term “compliance.”
Our legal advice and educational programs are a significant portion of the preventative practice of white collar crime. This practice has a longstanding tradition at SCHMITZ KNOTH. The firm’s founder, Dr Karl Schmitz, represented the defendants in the Contergan litigation; more recently, one should note one of our partners’ contribution, Dr Marquardt, to the defence in the Flick case in the higher district court [Landgericht] in Bonn.
Our expertise is founded on this longstanding experience. We offer our clients optimal legal advice in order to arrive at a non-contentious solution to cases in which a negative outcome triggers not only significant financial loss but also persistent loss of corporate goodwill and damage to the public image of individuals.
Genscherallee 12
D-53113 Bonn
Telefon: 02 28 / 9 85 09 – 0
Telefax: 02 28 / 9 85 09 – 33
Zimmerstraße 79-80
D-10117 Berlin
Telefon: 030 / 20 64 68 – 0
Telefax: 030 / 20 64 68 – 68